
dr Ivan Jovetic


Ivan Jovetić je predavač, preduzetnik i istraživač.
Rođen je na Cetinju, 02.04.1980. godine. Završio je osnovnu školu "Sutjeska" i gimnaziju "Slobodan Škerović" u Podgorici. Diplomirao na Ekonomskom fakultetu, smjer Preduzetništvo i preduzetničke finansije u Podgorici 2005. godine sa temom „Ekonomska i monetarna unija i fiskalna politika Evropske unije“- mentor prof. Veselin Vukotić. Magistrirao je na na postdiplomskim studijama „Preduzetnička ekonomija“ (VIII generacija) sa temom „Transatlantska ekonomija i Crna Gora-potencijalni benefiti“. Student je I generacije doktorskih studija „Međunarodna ekonomija“ na Univerzitetu Donja Gorica u okviru kojih je izradio tezu „Uticaj tehnoloških i ekonomskih promjena na bezbjednost“.

Od 2005. radi na Institutu za strateške studije i projekcije ( kao istraživač a potom i analitičar. Na Institutu radi ali i rukovodi velikim brojem nacionalnih, međunarodnih i transnacionalnih projekata (Interreg MED, Interreg DTP) poput Green Partnerships, Compose i Attractive Danube. Bio je i nacionalni konsultant na projektima UNDP (

Posjeduje licence Komisije za tržište kapitala ( za brokera, dilera i investicionog menadžera od 2005. godine kao i aktivno iskustvo u berzanskoj trgovini.

U periodu od 2006-2018. bio je izvršni direktor Centra za evropsko obrazovanje. Centar je od 2013. godine i član ECSA World ( Bio je i član dvije radne grupe za pregovore sa Evropskom unijom.

Od 2006. suosnivač je MSI INVEST d.o.o. porodične kompanije koja je aktivna u turizmu i nekoliko drugih sektora. Tokom perioda 2016-2018. obavljao je funkciju izvršnog direktora. Kompanija je vlasnik i operator hotela Laguna u Podgorici ( Dodatno, kompanija je i suosnivač prvog vertikalnog turističkog klastera u Crnoj Gori Laguna Heritage Tourism Cluster ( LHTC je podržan u okviru EU projekta.

Na Univerzitetu Donja Gorica je od osnivanja univerziteta. Od 2007. godine angažovan je na UDG-Fakultetu za međunarodnu ekonomiju, finansije i biznis ( dok je na UDG-Fakultetu za informacione sisteme i tehnologije ( angažovan od 2008. godine. Pored toga, aktivno je učestvovao i u procesu osnivanja UDG-Fakulteta za sportski menadžment ( na kojem  je od 2013. d0 2022. godine obavljao funkciju koordinatora. Član je Senata UDG-a kao i Naučno-nastavničkih vijeća FMEFB i FSM. Oktobra 2022. izabran je za dekana na Fakultetu za sportski menadžment.

Jedan je od osnivača Studentskog sportskog društva UDG i organizatora Olimpijade studenata UDG i UDG maratona. Član je i Upravnog odbora Studentskog sportskog saveza Crne Gore ( Bio je i predsjednik Organizacionog komiteta EUSA 2019 teniskog šampionata (

Član je WBAF-Svjetskog investicionog foruma poslovnih anđela ( U okviru WBAF obavlja funkcije senatora za Crnu Goru, predavača na WBAF Poslovnoj školi (departman za preduzetništvo), člana borda Globalnog startup komiteta, člana WBAF kluba globalnih mentora kao i jednog od evaluatora startupova GFRS takmičenja. Član je Skupštine EBAN-Evropske mreže poslovnih anđela ( u okviru koje je dio EBAN Instituta i Komiteta za Centralnu i Istočnu Evropu. Suosnivač je i član Upravnog odbora poslovne mreže MEBAN-Crnogorske mreže poslovnih anđela. MEBAN je punopravan član EBAN-a kao i nacionalni član GBAN-Globalne mreže poslovnih anđela. Istovremeno je i jedan od suosnivača ABAS-Asocijacije biznis anđela Srbije.

Od 2006-2009 godine bio je član i potpredsjednik Upravnog odbora EuroAtlantskog kluba (današnjeg Atlantskog saveza Crne Gore Bavio se analizom i kvantifikacijom ekonomskih prednosti i troškova integracije Crne Gore u NATO.

Od marta 2018 do juna 2021. godine obavljao je funkciju predsjednika Savjeta RTCG, javnog medijskog servisa u Crnoj Gori ( 

Član je Društva ekonomista i menadžera Crne Gore ( kao i GBAN-Globalne mreže poslovnih anđela ( čiji je jedan od mentora.

Profesionalne oblasti interesovanja su: (i) istraživačko-akademska koja obuhvata međunarodnu ekonomiju, tehnologiju, sajber bezbjednost, ekonomiju odbrane, EU i NATO; (ii) preduzetništvo koje obuhvata turizam i hotelijerstvo, PM, obrazovanje i tehnologiju i (iii) investicije (tržište kapitala i anđeoske investije) i startupovi.

Objavljeni radovi:

  • “Economics and Security: The Paradigm (R)Evolution", Journal of International Business and Economics, American Research Institute for Policy Development, ISSN 2374-2208 (Print) 2374-2194 (Online), 2022
  • “Technoeconomic Changes and Security – New Paradigm”, Contemporary Macedonian Defense, Vol. 20, No. 39, Ministry of Defense of the Republic of North Macedonia, 2020, 1409-8199 ISSN; UDK 355/359
  • “Defense Economy Problem(s)” The European Union Monography, FPSP, Beograd, 2018.
  • “Analysis of Economy of Defense”, Entrepreneurial Economy, Vol. 16 (ISSN 1451-6659), Foundation of Postgraduate Studies Entrepreneurial Economy, Podgorica, 2016
  • “Implications of Technological Changes on Policies and Strategy of Security and Defense“ ISC Ohrid, Faculty for Security, Skopje, 2016.
  • “Study on Funding Opportunities for Cluster-based Initiatives in Montenegro“, co-author with Sean Burke, UNDP, ISSP, 2015
  • “Legal Framework for Cluster Development“, co-author, UNIDO, Centre for European Education and Studies, 2015.
  • “Interconnection of Terrorism and Civilization? MONET Vol. 31/1 Security Edition (ISSN 1451-3617), ISSP, Podgorica, 2012
  • “Economics & PAs – Case of Montenegro”, EMTCWG 2012, London
  • “History of the European Security”, chronological overview, MONET Vol. 29/2 Security Edition (ISSN 1451-3617), ISSP, Podgorica, 2011.
  • “Transatlantic Economy: seven indicators “, MONET Vol. 29/1 Security Edition (ISSN 1451-3617), ISSP, Podgorica, 2011.
  • “European reality of the Balkans – Second Journey to Europe” , Balkan and EU 2011 – papers collection, (ISBN 86-7093-110-9), Institute of Social Sciences - Centre for economic research, Belgrade, 2011.
  • “EU and security”, MONET Vol. 29 (ISSN 1451-3617), ISSP, Podgorica, 2010.
  • “Transatlantic Economy – product of globalization and/or globalization of product”, Crisis and Development 2010 – papers’ collection, (ISBN 86-7093- 110-9), Institute of Social Sciences - Centre for economic research, Belgrade, 2010.
  • “Global crisis as system’s failure?” Co-author. MONET Vol. 28 (ISSN 1451-3617), ISSP, Podgorica, 2010.
  • “Security as Economic Resource – rabbit’s nature of capital”, MONET Vol. 27 (ISSN 1451-3617), ISSP, Podgorica, 2009.
  • “Benefits and costs of NATO integration”. Paper’s collection “Economy and Security”, ISBN 978-86-83543-64-9, Centre for civic military relations, Belgrade 2009.
  • “Institutions as Competitive Advantage”, Entrepreneurial Economy, Vol. 12 (ISSN 1451-6659), Foundation of Postgraduate Studies Entrepreneurial Economy, May discussion, 2008.
  • “Montenegro – An Insiders’ View”, MONET Vol. 25 (ISSN 1451-3617), ISSP, Podgorica, 2007.
  • “EU Development – from Idea towards Integration”, Entrepreneurial Economy, Vol. 11 (ISSN 1451-6659), Postgraduate Studies Entrepreneurial Economy, Podgorica 2006.
  • “Privatization of Infrastructure”, MONET Vol. 24 (ISSN 1451-3617), ISSP, Podgorica, 2006.
  • “Fiscal Policy and State’s Competitive Advantage”, MONET Vol. 23 (ISSN 1451- 3617), ISSP, Podgorica, 2006.
  • “Business Vs. State or Atlant Vs. Monopoly”, Business and State 2006 – papers’ collection, (ISBN 86-7093-110-9), IDN, Centre for economic research, Belgrade, 2006.
  • “eGovernment as Development Way”, Entrepreneurial Economy, Vol. 10 (ISSN 1451-6659), Postgraduate Studies Entrepreneurial Economy Podgorica, 2005.
  • „Value for money! – Creative concepts for new orientation “, World Business Dialogue, OFW and University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, 2005.
dr Ivan Jovetic
Kontakt podaci
Objavljeni radovi
  • Jovetic, I., Katnic, I. (2024). The Security Framework: Determined and AI Impact?. In: Badnjević, A., Gurbeta Pokvić, L. (eds) MEDICON’23 and CMBEBIH’23
  • Časopis | IFMBE Proceedings, vol 93. Springer, Cham
  • Izdavač | Springer, Cham
  • Država izdavača | Švajcarska
  • Godina izdanja | 2024
  • Kategorija | K4
  • ISBN | 978-3-031-49061-3
  • Ključne riječi | technology, techno-economic paradigm, impact, cyber security, individual security
  • Link |
  • Jovetic, I., Vukotic, M., Tinaj, S. (2024). The Future of (Individual) Security—Vision 2.0?. In: Badnjević, A., Gurbeta Pokvić, L. (eds) MEDICON’23 and CMBEBIH’23
  • Časopis | IFMBE Proceedings, vol 93. Springer, Cham
  • Izdavač | Springer, Cham
  • Država izdavača | Švajcarska
  • Godina izdanja | 2024
  • Kategorija | K4
  • ISBN | 978-3-031-49061-3
  • Ključne riječi | Individual security, technology, impact, cyber security, future, individual paradigm
  • Link |
  • Jovetic, I., Katnic, I. (2024). Economic Power: Security, Military and Political Resource. In: Karabegovic, I., Kovačević, A., Mandzuka, S. (eds)
  • Časopis | New Technologies, Development and Application VII - Book series
  • Izdavač | Springer, Cham
  • Država izdavača | Velika Britanija
  • Godina izdanja | 2024
  • Kategorija | K4
  • ISBN | 978-3-031-66270-6
  • Ključne riječi | economic power, military power, technology, security, economy, resource
  • Link |
  • Jovetic, I. (2024): The Nexus of Geopolitics and Business
  • Časopis | Entrepreneurial Economy vol. XX
  • Izdavač | University of Donja Gorica
  • Država izdavača | Montenegro
  • Godina izdanja | 2024
  • Kategorija | K1
  • ISBN | ISSN 2661-2704
  • Ključne riječi | geopolitics, business, network, nexus, individuals, technology
  • Napomena | Different perceptions and quests for “truth” or generally accepted reasoning have framed every scientific and even more philosophical revolution. Geopolitics and the role of the business within is not an exemption at all. It is strongly believed that businesses have been the structural element of state’s creation. And for sure not the vice versa. The paper examines the notion of role and meaning of business into the research realm of geopolitics. The outcomes of the paper are fully in line with the necessity of business geopolitics introduction. Moreover, the paper proposes the notion of networked university geopolitics.
  • Link |
  • Jovetic, I; Vukotic, M; Tinaj, S; Vojinovic, I: Montenegro 2.0: The European Vision of Montenegro
  • Časopis | Chapter in the book: Western Balkans and the Future of Europe: Between and Enlargement and a Commitment Fatigue; ed. Stojkov, A; Warin, T.
  • Izdavač | Springer Nature
  • Država izdavača | Switzerland
  • Godina izdanja | 2024
  • Kategorija | K4
  • ISBN | 2731-3387
  • Ključne riječi | political (in)stability, economic freedom, development, micro-state, green transition, vision, the EU, Montenegro
  • Napomena | Political stability is inevitable for economic growth and development regardless of the EU accession. It must be followed by the economic freedom concept in order to achieve the full potential. In case of Montenegro, the concepts of micro-state, its hybrid version as well as green transition based on economic freedom are the key pillars. It also enables quite efficient and effective institutional branding if executed properly. Future perspectives of Montenegro-EU relations must include full membership till 2030, the latest, stable state institutions, applied rule of law, full structural funds access, investments’ attractiveness, full foreign policy compliance, full environmental protection compliance, positioning itself as the regional economy hub (including down thresholds for any joint interval or decision among member states or divided jurisdiction), SME’s access to the market and funding sources, diversification of the economy and company’s ability to cope with the single market pressure. In order to achieve the aforementioned, the following has to be achieved: (i) political stability, (ii) economic freedom, (iii) secure country, (iv) environment friendly design, (v) efficient educational system, (vi) effective rule of law, (vii) entrepreneurial culture and (viii) Montenegro as the EU member state. Existence of functional and efficient institutions based on market economy principles, functional education system and implemented EU negotiation process criteria based on the vision of micro and green Montenegro are the (pre)condition for making the respective viable at all.
  • Economic and Security Paradigm: The Ongoing (R)Evolution?
  • Časopis | In V. Bevanda (Ed.), International Scientific-Business Conference – LIMEN 2022: Vol 8. Conference proceedings (pp. 115-127). Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans
  • Izdavač | LIMEN; Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans
  • Država izdavača | Serbia-Hungary
  • Godina izdanja | 2022
  • Kategorija | K1
  • ISBN | 10.31410/LIMEN.2022.115
  • Ključne riječi | economic security, technoeconomic paradigm, security paradigm, technology, cyber security
  • Link |
  • Economics and Security: The Paradigm (R)Evolution
  • Časopis | Journal of International Business and Economics
  • Izdavač | American Research Institute for Policy Development
  • Država izdavača | SAD
  • Godina izdanja | 2021
  • Kategorija | K1
  • ISBN | ISSN 2374-2208 (Print) 2374-2194 (Online)
  • Ključne riječi | economy, security, technoeconomic changes, security paradigm, economic security, evolution, paradigm, cyber
  • Link |
  • Technoeconomic Changes and Security – New Paradigm
  • Časopis | Contemporary Macedonian Defense, Vol. 20, No. 39
  • Izdavač | Ministry of Defense of the Republic of North Macedonia
  • Država izdavača | North Macedonia
  • Godina izdanja | 2020
  • Kategorija | K4
  • ISBN | 1409-8199 ISSN; UDK 355/359
  • Ključne riječi | security, economic security, paradigm, techno-economic paradigm, cyber, change
  • Link |
  • Defense Economy Problem(s)?
  • Časopis | THEMATIC MONOGRAPH - Experiences, Dilemmas and Challenges of Joining European Union
  • Izdavač | Faculty of Business Studies and Law, Belgrade
  • Država izdavača | Serbia
  • Godina izdanja | 2018
  • Kategorija | K4
  • ISBN | ISBN 978-86-81088-12-8
  • Ključne riječi | economy of defense, defense power, defense economy effectiveness, specialization, defense industry, security communities, NATO
  • Napomena | The paper "Defense Economy Problem(s)?" has been published as part of the "THEMATIC MONOGRAPH - Experiences, Dilemmas and Challenges of Joining European Union" on pages 187-215
  • Link |
  • Analysis of Economy of Defense
  • Časopis | Entrepreneurial Economy
  • Izdavač | Foundation of Postgraduate Studies Entrepreneurial Economy, Podgorica
  • Država izdavača | Montenegro
  • Godina izdanja | 2016
  • Kategorija | K1
  • ISBN | ISSN 1451-6659
  • Ključne riječi | defense economy, security,
  • Link |
  • Interconnection of Terrorism and Civilization?
  • Časopis | MONET Vol. 31/1 Security Edtion
  • Izdavač | ISSP
  • Država izdavača | Montenegro
  • Godina izdanja | 2012
  • Kategorija | K1
  • ISBN | ISSN 1451-3617
  • Ključne riječi | civilization, terrorism, security, interconnection
  • Evropska realnost Balkana - D(r)ugo putovanje u Evropu
  • Časopis | Balkan and EU 2011 – papers collection
  • Izdavač | Institute of Social Sciences - Centre for economic research
  • Država izdavača | Serbia
  • Godina izdanja | 2011
  • Kategorija | K1
  • ISBN | ISBN 978-86-7093-137-4
  • Ključne riječi | EU, Balkan, reality, integration, economy, institutions
  • Link |
  • Balkan and the European Union - The Second Journey
  • Časopis | Entrepreneurial Economy Vol. 17
  • Izdavač | Foundation of Postgraduate Studies Entrepreneurial Economy, Podgorica
  • Država izdavača | Montenegro
  • Godina izdanja | 2011
  • Kategorija | K1
  • ISBN | 1451-6659
  • Ključne riječi | The European Union, Balkan, integration, security, expenditures, benefits, idea, reinterpretation, freedom, transition.
  • Napomena | Paper's collection - paper on pages from 141 to 158
  • Link |
  • EU and security
  • Časopis | MONET Vol. 29
  • Izdavač | ISSP
  • Država izdavača | Montenegro
  • Godina izdanja | 2010
  • Kategorija | K1
  • ISBN | ISSN 1451-3617
  • Ključne riječi | EU, security, integration
  • Transatlanska ekonomija - proizvod globalizacije i(li) globalizacija proizoda?
  • Časopis | Crisis and Development 2010 – papers’ collection
  • Izdavač | Institute of Social Sciences - Centre for economic research
  • Država izdavača | Serbia
  • Godina izdanja | 2010
  • Kategorija | K1
  • ISBN | ISBN 978-86-7093-133-6
  • Ključne riječi | Globalization, economy, transatlantic economy, indicators, integration
  • Napomena | p. 459-471
  • Benefits and costs of NATO integration
  • Časopis | Paper’s collection “Economy and Security
  • Izdavač | Centre for civic military relation
  • Država izdavača | Serbia
  • Godina izdanja | 2009
  • Kategorija | K1
  • ISBN | ISBN 978-86-83543-64-9
  • Ključne riječi | benefits, costs, NATO, integration, economy, security
  • Link |
  • Institutions as Competitive Advantage
  • Časopis | Entrepreneurial Economy Vol. 12
  • Izdavač | Foundation of Postgraduate Studies Entrepreneurial Economy, Podgorica
  • Država izdavača | Montenegro
  • Godina izdanja | 2008
  • Kategorija | K1
  • ISBN | ISSN 1451-6659
  • Ključne riječi | institutions, competition, advantage, economy, rule of law
Učešće na konferencijama
  • 8th International Scientific-Business Conference Leadership, Innovation, Management and Economics: Integrated Politics of Research - LIMEN 2022
  • 1. decembar 2022. / Madjarska
  • (R)Evolution of the Economic and Security Paradigm?
  • Rad u konferencijskom biltenu
  • Kategorija | K6
  • Ključne riječi | Technoeconomic changes, Economic security, Paradigm, Evolution, Cyber